Course # AA3931

Teaching Inclusive American History- Implementing the New Illinois History Course Mandates
This course provides an overview of the Inclusive American History Commission Report issued by ISBE pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.187. Explicit connections will be made between the new Illinois Social Science Standards, Common Core State Standards in ELA Literacy, Social Emotional Learning Standards, and the Danielson Framework for Effective Teaching. Participants will examine the latest research in the civic learning community from the Educating for American Democracy Roadmap and Pedagogy Companion to curate high-quality resources to implement the recommendations of the Inclusive American History Report issued in 2022 aligned to the new social science history course mandates that include LGBTQ History, the Teaching Equitable Asian American Community History, and the contributions of different faith traditions to the history of Illinois and the United States. Time will be devoted to how administrators can support teachers in creating a culture of support before challenging content and inquiry as to the primary mode of learning. The breakdown of this academy is three hours asynchronous in advance, 3 hours virtually in person, and 1-hour post for dissemination plan.
Administrators' Academy
Administrator, Assistant Principal, Department Chair, Principal, All Educators
AA credit
Participants must cancel more than 5 days before the date of the class to receive a refund.

Course Sessions