Course List


 Course NumberTitleCourse CategoryIntended AudienceDates 
First Division First Division Transportation Bus Driver  02/18/2025
903 High School Social Workers Network NetworksSocial Worker 02/21/2025
1039-22 Simulations of Democratic Processes in the Classroom - The Guardians of Democracy Gold Guardian Educator Badge Educator's WorkshopsAll Educators 02/24/2025
1040-22 Informed Action through Service Learning - The Guardians of Democracy Gold Guardian Educator Badge Educator's WorkshopsAll Educators 02/24/2025
995 Social Work K-12 Network NetworksSchool Psychologist, Social Worker 02/24/2025
1038-22 Current and Controversial Issue Discussions in the Classroom - The Guardians of Democracy Gold Guardian Educator Badge Educator's WorkshopsAll Educators 02/24/2025
DSN-119 The Guardians of Democracy Gold Guardian Educator in Constitutional Democracy as Content and Practice Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Teacher 02/24/2025
998 STEM Network NetworksAll Educators 02/25/2025
Refresher Bus Driver Refresher Class for Bus Drivers Bus DriverBus Driver 02/27/2025
Initial Bus Driver Initial 8 hour Bus Driver Course Bus DriverBus Driver 02/28/2025
EEND677 Multimedia Tools in Education TIDE CohortLibrarian, Reading Specialist, Special Education, Teacher, Technology Coordinator 03/03/2025
EEND642 Assessment and Diagnosis in Special Education TIDE CohortSpecial Education, Teacher 03/03/2025
EEND718 Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students TIDEAll Educators 03/03/2025
EEND 638 Supporting Multilingual Learners in the Inclusive Classroom TIDEAll Educators 03/03/2025
EEND644 Specialized Curriculum and Methods in Special Education TIDE CohortSpecial Education, All Educators 03/03/2025
EEND 603 Assessment, Identification, and Methods of Early Childhood Special Education TIDEAll Educators 03/03/2025
1110 Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators - Book Discussion Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Counselor/Guidance Counselor, Dean, Social Worker, Superintendent, Teacher 03/04/2025
1111 Building Strong Readers: Aligning Instruction to the NEW Illinois Comprehensive Literacy Plan Educator's WorkshopsReading Specialist, Special Education, Teacher, All Educators 03/04/2025
EEND679 Assessing & Improving Student Achievement with Technology TIDE CohortAll Educators 03/04/2025