Course # CIV-103
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DSN Civic Learning Across the Disciplines: Is Responsiveness to Student Voice Related to Academic Outcomes? with Dr. Erica Hodgin
Join the Illinois Democracy Schools Network as we welcome Dr. Erica Hodgin, Co-Director of the Civic Engagement Research Group at the University of California, Riverside. Dr. Hodgin is one of the co-authors of a recently published journal article highlighting the results of a two year study to examine whether responsiveness to student voice is related to academic outcomes. This is the first large-scale study employing panel data to examine the relationships between responsiveness to student voice and academic performance. Proponents of student voice have long emphasized its benefits in terms of democratic values and respect for the full humanity of young people. Scholars argue these benefits may be particularly important for students from marginalized communities. This study indicates that there are academic benefits as well.
Educator's Workshops
Intended Audience:
Administrator, Superintendent, Teacher
1 PD Hour
IEIN Required:
Cancellation Policy:
Registrant must cancel no later than 5 days prior to the course.
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