Course # CIV-102
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DSN Civic Learning Across the Disciplines: Student Voice 360
A long tradition of research suggests that giving students more opportunities to inform and participate in decision-making in their own classrooms and schools builds their civic skills and attitudes. Thus, giving students a voice in school governance is a promising way to encourage all young people to engage civically Guardians of Democracy report, pg.33. Join the Chicago Public Schools Department of Student Voice and Engagement to learn how you can embrace a “360” approach to student voice in schools that not only impacts classroom instruction but schoolwide culture, climate, and engagement with the greater community. Students are welcome to attend this session with their teacher/sponsor.
Educator's Workshops
Intended Audience:
Administrator, Superintendent, Teacher
1 PD Hour
IEIN Required:
Cancellation Policy:
Registrant must cancel no later than 5 days prior to the course.
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