Course # 861-20

Putting Civics in the Middle: The Illinois Social Science Standards and Civics Requirement 6-8
The new Illinois Social Science Standards and civics requirements provide an opportunity for middle school classrooms to explore essential questions that incorporate students’ lived experiences while building literacy skills and social-emotional competencies. Collaborate with others as you engage in a sample inquiry with FREE resources to enhance your classroom practice. Objectives- Participants will... 1 Engage in an inquiry lesson that models the proven practices of civic education embedded in recent legislation requiring civics in middle schools 2 Explore how the instructional shifts of the IL social science standards align with SEL, CCSS/ELA, Culturally Sustainable Pedagogy and the Danielson Framework for Effective Teaching. 3 Be connected with free resources to support social studies inquiry.
Educator's Workshops
All Educators
6 PD
Registrants may cancel up to five days prior to class date.

Course Sessions