Course List


 Course NumberTitleCourse CategoryIntended AudienceDates 
1032-22 Teaching about the Asian American Experience: A Primer - Secondary Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Superintendent, Teacher 09/12/2024
YA-100 SIOP Training Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, All Educators 09/18/2024
1024-22 Attendance Improvement Mentoring AIM Groups Educator's WorkshopsCounselor/Guidance Counselor, Dean, Social Worker, Teacher 09/19/2024
1091 Building Thinking Classrooms by Peter Liljedahl Book Study Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Teacher 10/09/2024
1031-22 Teaching about the Asian American Experience: A Primer - Elementary Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Superintendent, Teacher 10/09/2024
OW215 Harmonic Multilingual Program Design: Discover-Design-Deliver Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Assistant Principal, Assistant Superintendent, Board Member, Principal, Superintendent, All Educators 10/10/2024
1002-21 Informed Action through Service Learning - Guardian of Democracy Bronze Certified Badge Educator's WorkshopsAll Educators 10/14/2024
1092 Gifted Coordinator Workshop - Program Review and Evaluation Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Superintendent 11/19/2024
DSN-117 The Guardians of Democracy Silver Distinguished Educator in Constitutional Democracy as Content and Practice Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Teacher
1078 Serving Students in Foster Care and Students Experiencing Homelessness Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Counselor/Guidance Counselor, Dean, Social Worker, Administrative Assistant
DSN-114 Becoming Active Citizens: Practices to Engage Students in Civic Education Across the Curriculum with author and Edtech leader Shawn McCusker Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Superintendent, Teacher, All Educators
DSN-115 Harmony in Our Story: An Overview of New Resources from iCivics for Teaching American History in the Middle Grades Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Superintendent, Teacher
1079 Instructional Practices Inventory 'IPI' Walkthrough Training Educator's WorkshopsAll Educators
1081 MTSS & SPED With a Multilingual Lens Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Special Education, All Educators
OW243 Tier 2 and Tier 3 Assessments & Interventions for Students with Social-Emotional-Behavioral SEB Needs & School Attendance Problems Educator's WorkshopsSchool Psychologist, Social Worker
1083 The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Assistant Principal, Principal, All Educators
OW244 A Hidden School Safety Crisis? Bullying Among Adults Educator's WorkshopsAll Educators
OW245 Don’t Just Settle for Survive, Let’s Aim to Help Our Students Thrive! Educator's WorkshopsAll Educators
707-GW Gifted Collaborative Presentation Creation Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Teacher
1086 Equitable Design: Building Responsive and Relevant Newcomer Support Systems Educator's WorkshopsAdministrator, Assistant Superintendent, Superintendent, Teacher